ANourse | StandUP | Movidy | Multimedia & Animation | Communication Systems | Probs & Solutions | JBHS
The image below is a full size Adobe Flash button that has rollover features
that swap images when the viewer hovers or clicks on a specific area.
Hover and click on the "o" above to activate the image function.
For this assignment you can take different photographs or manipulate a single originally created design like the one above.
For some good online examples of image swapping on mouse rollovers click here and here.
Above is a student example created by Jimmy Jetton.
Above is a student example created by Jake Balderama.
The criteria for the above assignment is as follows:
Create 3 original designs or take photographs and enhance them in Flash or Photoshop.
Make the button size between 600 x 400 pixels at 72 dpi or larger.
Convert your first image design (or photo) into a button symbol in Adobe Flash.
2nd image should be inserted (swapped) into buttton symbol in the "Over" property in Flash.
The images should be perfectly aligned to eachother and all the same size.
The 3rd image should be inserted (swapped) into buttton symbol in the "Down" property.
Only a section of the image button should activate the hover and click features.
Export the .swf to the Z: "Choices" folder for the grade.
Export it as a .gif to include in your portfolio.
If you have questions about how to create the rollover button properties in Flash refer to the HELP features within the program,
research online using appropriate keywords, get handout from Mr. Nourse, or ask for assistance.