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Using PhotoShop create a photomontage animation about you. Create a montage about your identity with 8 or more images representing various parts of your personality such as beliefs, possessions, abilities, hobbies, skills, passions, hopes, dreams, and goals in life.




Jonathan Lugo


Fernando Sepulveda


Talhia Garcia


Thomas Custer



Your photomontage may include any of the following ideas, but is not limited to this list. Suggested Ideas:

• sports & awards
• your house & room
• family & friends
• favorite teacher or subject
• music & movies
• cars
• travel & vacation
• college
• pets

1. Self portrait
2. 8 or more images
3. 4 or more tweens
4. 20 or more frames and 3-12 seconds in length
5. Autobiography about your identity
6. Save 5 times correctly

Steps to Success

1. The first step is to put all of your images in one folder.
2. Using Photoshop "Load as Stack" by going to FILE, SCRIPTS, LOAD as STACK.
3. Check image size by going to IMAGE, IMAGE SIZE.
* It should not exceed 8 x 6 inches and the resolution should be 72 dpi. If it's larger, reduce it now.
4. Delete the backgrounds of each image by using the magic wand or lasso selection tools.
5. Create a background layer of your choice. Black works great. If you don't have another idea use the paintbucket.
6. Tween 4 or more times. Watch the below video after reading this tween link information.
7. Use the TIMELINE ANIMATION PANEL VIEW to alter your keyframes.
8. Use your new knowledge of gradients, layer effects/styles, and text warping to animate.

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Watch this video for an advanced technique of progressively adding content to animation.

When completely finished with your assignment save it 5 times.

Optimize all animations in Photoshop by "Save for Web" option .gif before submitting for grade.

1. .psd to your Portfolio, "Finished Projects" folder
2. .gif to your Portfolio, "Finished Projects" folder
3. .psd to teacher's "IdentityMontage=.psd&.gifs" folder
4. .gif to teacher's "IdentityMontage=.psd&.gifs" folder
5. 50% reduced size .gif to teacher's "IdentityMontage=.psd&.gifs" folder

After finishing the graphical part of the project write an autobiography.
Include your skills and knowledge in technology, graphic design, or art.
What do you already know how to do well in technology?
What do you want to learn?
How do your montage images represent you and why?
How many images in your montage did you take with a camera or get from creative commons?

When finished in WORD, save to Z:folder "IdentityMontage" with "your last name, autobio".


Extra Credit opportunity

Use "Adobe Device Central" to optimize your animation for a mobile device. If you upload your animation to your mobile device and show it to Mr. Nourse you will receive extra credit for going the extra distance. One website to use to upload your .gif is which is free, but you are solely responsible for additional charges to the device service plan you have on your phone. So, check to make sure you have an unlimited data transfer service plan before you upload and possibly get charged.