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Principles of Design and Animation

The principles of animation are the key components of successful motion in terms of realistic and accurate physics. Make sure you completely understand the principles before using them in your animations. You as a graphical creator and your animations will beneift immensely if you truly comprehend the princinples. It's well worth the time to really learn them well and use them every time you animate. The TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) requires that you show proof that you understand and have mastered the concepts in your projects before receiving credit for the course. Below are a few websites with examples and relevant information explaining the significance of the principles. Thoroughly read each of the sites below about the elements of design, then the principles of design, and finally the extremely important principles of animation.

Elements of Design

Basic Prinicples of Design

Principles of Design



Principles of Animation Descriptions and illustrations

Principles of Animation Descriptions

Principles of Animation from book



Squash & Stretch
Straight Ahead & Pose to Pose
Follow Through & Overlapping
Slow In & Slow Out
Secondary Action
Solid Drawing


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