StandUP | Schooltube | Animation | ANourse | JBHS
Below are student links to your calendars. You are to plan each day of your project timeline using your Google calendar. You will receive a grade each project for how well your timeline is planned. Check your link below and make sure it's correct. Login to your Google account and start planning your project. Come back to this link to make sure your timeline is updated automatically. If not, let Mr. Nourse know. Make sure you view the example timeline and add the class calendar to your calendar below. Student Timelines
Here's an example project timeline. Yours should be similar in terms of basic daily plans with concise and descriptive explanations. Click on the daily descriptions below to see more info. That's what Mr. Nourse will do on each of your days. It should be clear what you are doing. Each day should be different. If you are working on a character as an example for 3 days in a row explain what specifically you will be doing each day such as frontal perspective one day, profile the next, and a back view the last of the 3. If you need to adjust dates it's ok, but update them by simply dragging in Googe Calendar.
ADD our class calendar to your calendar so you'ill have all the dates easily accessible. Add it by clicking on the bottom right Google + link.
StandUP | Schooltube | Animation | ANourse | JBHS